St. Anne Soladity of St. Isidore

St. Anne Volunteer Form

Christmas Party Invite/Registration
Graduation Breakfast
Senior Citizen Dinner

The name of this sodality is under the patronage of St. Anne, the maternal mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The feast of St. Anne is observed annually on July 26 by the Church. The primary purpose of this Sodality is to participate in the spiritual life of the parish. That is, to give mutual moral support and to help the parish in its needs both spiritually and socially. This Sodality also assists the parish leadership.

All registered women of the St. Isidore Parish are members. Membership is also open to any woman over the age of 13 or any former member of St. Isidore Parish who continues to pay their dues of $5.00 a year in December.
Upon the notification of the death of an active member, the Sodality shall contribute one (1) Mass intention for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Upon request of the family, the St. Anne’s officers will lead a rosary at the funeral home. Different individuals or groups with help of ladies in the parish conduct the following events within the parish; St. Anne Christmas Party in December , Senior Citizen Dinner in June, Graduate breakfast with families in May, Confirmation reception in October.

Chair Committee: Kailyn Knies, Amanda Steckler, Kirby Knies, Cassie Beyke