Celestine School Alumni Association

While it is in the early formation stages currently, here is a quick Q&A you may find helpful in deciding to become a member of the Celestine School Association of St. Isidore.

Who is this association serving?

St. Isidore Catholic Parish as a whole, which certainly and most importantly includes our youth, as well as all parishioners.

What are the requirements for becoming a member?

A love and devotion for St. Isidore Catholic Parish and its future, that’s it! You need not be a former student of Celestine Elementary; all individuals are welcome to join, no matter what age!

What will my donation go toward?

Proceeds/donations to the association will be used for the maintenance and beautification of the grounds in the early stages. As time goes on and as we receive more donations, this will provide us an opportunity to look toward future ideas for the space to benefit both our youth and adults of St. Isidore. In addition to this, we hope to start St. Isidore Catholic Parish’s first ever scholarship fund to award our Catholic seniors of the Northeast Dubois School Corporation as they continue their journey in life.

What are some of the benefits to becoming a member?

We anticipate forming an occasional newsletter of the happenings within the association, including where our donations stand financially, any future plans/ideas for the grounds, and an invitation to an annual dinner.

Is there a deadline to sign up?

Absolutely not! You may contact the parish office to sign up, or you can drop an envelope in the collection clearly marked “Celestine School Association of St. Isidore Member Dues” with your name, address, and phone number (please make any checks out to St. Isidore Parish with “school association dues” on the memo line).

As this is a new — and exciting! — endeavor for us all, we will start small and dream big. Through the settling dust of the Celestine Elementary’s demolition, God is giving us a great opportunity to use this space for the betterment of our parish. Please consider becoming a member of the association and/or giving generously toward it’s future.

~ May God Bless St. Isidore Catholic Parish ~